Our Services
We are a Marketing agency that specialises in working with restaurants. This means all our products and services have been created and designed to help restaurant owners increase their revenue. The most important thing we do is help restaurants build a massive list of local people they can talk to anytime they like.
Online Ordering
Our online ordering system is designed to work with our restaurant growth program.
Celebration Marketing
We have systems that allow you to market to customers on their special days..
Measureable Results
All your campaigns will be measurable so you will be able to monitor your R.O.I.

Why It Works
Bespoke To Restaurants
The problem with many marketing strategies is they are too general, which means they don’t work for the restaurant industry.
Our turn-key marketing system has been built exclusively for restaurants and has been designed to generate measurable results.
The image below shows a screenshot of our client dashboard, which keeps them informed about every aspect of their campaign.
How It Works
Increase Your Reach
The first part of our campaign is to get your restaurant on the timelines of more local people
The targeting strategies we use to ensure the people who see your posts are much more likely to come into your restaurant.
We do this by creating engaging content, designed to get you likes, shares, and most importantly, comments, which we use to create a conversation.
These three factors tell Facebook’s algorithm, the content is being enjoyed by your audience.
Once your content is popular, we turn it into a paid advertising campaign, where the magic begins.
Facebook loves promoting good content, which means they reward you with significantly more reach for your money.

Build A List Of VIP’S
The Secret Ingredient
Now we have put your restaurant on the social media map, we need to turn this exposure into something tangible.
Step two of your campaign is to build a list of people who will become a community of VIPs.
If we grow your list by 300 people every month for one year, you will have 3,600 VIP’s you can talk to any time you like.
This strategy works because your VIP’s have knowingly signed up to receive news and special offers for your restaurant, which means they are much more likely to engage with your messages.
The power of this list cannot be underestimated, if you invited 3,600 VIP’s to an event you’re running and 10% of your VIP’s turn up, you will have 360 people coming to your restaurant.
Show Me The Money!
Tracking Your ROI
Let’s take the example above, where we showed you how after one year, you could have a list of 3,600 people, who have asked to be notified about your events and special offers
Let’s say we send out a notification about a special offer or event to your list of 3,600 people.
If 10% (which is the average redemption rate) redeem your offer or buy a ticket, you will have 360 bums on seats.
If each one of these restaurant VIP’s spends £30, your revenue could be a whopping £10,800
Now imagine if we can do this once a month, that’s an extra £120,000 pounds of sales every year.
Hopefully, you are starting to understand the power of our bespoke restaurant marketing system, please note, however, this is not a get-rich-quick scheme, your community will take time to build.
If you’re not prepared to work on this for at least four months, this method is not for you.

Drastically Reduce The Commissions You Pay To Online Ordering Companies.
Another massive benefit of our marketing system is the money you will save on commissions paid to online ordering systems such as Just Eat. (which can be as high as 20%)
Our system utilises their advertising spending power to bring in new customers. Then with simple techniques, we encourage these customers to order from you directly.
This method means you still pay for the initial introduction but because the customer then orders through your ordering system you stop paying the ongoing commissions.
The other benefit is they join your database and hopefully become VIP’s you can market to anytime you like for free.
Over the course of a couple of years, this saving could amount up to £2,000 per month or £24,000 per year.
Want To Start Growing Your Community of VIP’s?
Bespoke To Restaurants
Before we go any further we wanted to make a small confession, this is not a new unproven system we thought up ourselves.
We are not former restaurant owners and don’t pretend to know everything about the restaurant industry, although we are quickly learning.
We have teamed up with sone of the most successful restaurant marketers in the U.S who has given us access to their entire system.
We also pay for their expertise on an ongoing basis and ask them to critique every campaign we run, which means you are buying a bespoke proven restaurant marketing system, run by some of the best marketers in the world.